Wednesday, March 6, 2013

happy place

My daughter said to me last weekend as I was milling between appliances in the kitchen, "Mommy, you're always in a really good mood when you're in the kitchen." She's right. My kitchen has become my happy place, the place where I find rest and calm while creating.

My dream is to have a kitchen with enough counter space to have all of my appliances - including the food processor and the crock pot, which now spend their unused time in a cabinet - out and ready to use at all times... and with enough extra space to actually use the counters for cooking and baking.

I didn't have as much time as I would have liked in the kitchen this past weekend, but I made the most of my Sunday afternoon there. The theme was definitely nuts, here is what I made:

almond flour

Pretty incredibly easy with a food processor. One day, though, I am going to invest in a Vitamixer, so that I can grind the flour even more fine.

almond blueberry & dried cherry muffins

Not to boast, because these are actually pretty easy to make, but they taste like my favorite French pastry, the amandine (almond tart). Must be the almonds. And something about warming up coconut oil to turn it into liquid for the batter makes my kitchen smell like a Parisien patisserie.

Then on Facebook a friend posted a photo of a recipe I couldn't resist trying for Danish stone age bread.

If you like nuts and seeds in quantity, this one is for you. 

Pretty amazing toasted with melted cheese on top.

I have to admit that I may have over-saturated my body a bit with nuts lately, and possibly with cheese - since many cheeses I'd never really explored were on the allowed list (interpreted by me as the eat with reckless abandon list... I can't help it, I was raised by a French mother and I have always loved my cheese) on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet.

After a few days of really enjoying my muffins and nut bread and cheese, I noticed the psoriasis on my scalp was extra itchy and my face had these tiny little red bumps. Definitely a response to something. So I'm mellowing out on quantity and staying away from the nuts for a few days to see what happens. I guess it's all about moderation, even with this new, inoffensive way of eating.

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